Thursday, October 23, 2008


It is by now, a known fact, that I am fairly racist. And by racist I don't mean saying Nigger, just for the sake of saying nigger, which by the way I am attempting to use that word less often, but having my belief intact.

On the previous AN page, I had a story written of why I hate the African American race, and why I believe that half of those that I have met are nothing but low-lives. Well, I think it's time to elaborate on my personal belief. Most of them, tend to cross the beliefs of the National Socialist, which is to have pride in your race, strive for prestige, wealth, freedom, and a well civilized environment to live in. What I do disagree with in the NS belief is the fact that they are against "race-mixing". That is the one aspect that I completely don't understand. The reasons for race-mixing are far more necessary then what one might think and will increase the survival chance of a certain race. When the race is pure, the traits will just revolve in a circle and will eventually result in incest, which results in horrible babies. I am very sure that isn't what a race that attempted purity and a superman would want. Another point, if there were ever to be a blood related plague that circulates, more than half of the population will perish due to the fact that half the population is "pure". Overall, I promote race-mixing and National Socialism.

There is a difference between Neo-Nazism and National Socialism, the NS belief is open to all races (but it seems only the White's proclaim it) while the Neo-Nazi's believe in their Aryan lifestyle. I am not at all racist to Mexicans, Indians, native Americans, and so on and so forth, my anger is more directed to that which is 30 shades darker than I am. Overall, I am more selective in terms of people I wish to accompany myself with and just be aware that the black man will have a set impression before he or she can completely dispel it. The neo-nazi's also believe in a sense of superiority which I don't agree with to the fullest extent. I simply believe that the black man, is of lesser status, they may have been far more superior back then but as of now, they lose respect gradually.

Don't bother asking me why I am this way, it is just something that had happened. There was not something that sparked my anger, it was something that gradually increased resulting in a manifested belief.

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