Today marks a historic day in which the world will see the United States exalt an African American man and give him one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, position in the world, President of the United States. I normally don't care much for politics, honestly, I don't even know what he stands for, it's just the fact that our generation is beginning to live in such odd times that is definitely worth a mention. Our economy has gone to shit, The national debt has gone to unimaginable numbers, Nuclear weapons are emerging everywhere, what is known as Global Warming is taking it's toll, and now, we have a black president. I wish him well, and hope all goes according to plan. By the way, don't tell me any bullshit about conspiracy's, I think all of those are stupid. All politics/money conspiracies like those expressed in Zeitgeist are too far fetched to actually come to conclusion of there being any real possibility. And another one which I heard, Bush is an alien from another planet, honestly, you must be one dumbass to actually believe that it's true. Of course the government does have lots of powers but I refuse to admit to such stupidity.
In addition to Obama, I think I have found myself far less racist than ever before. It's quite interesting, I don't say nigger as much nor do I continue rambling on about how I hate them. Scratch that, I have found myself still racist to a certain extent yet I have learned to keep my opinions to myself, I think that sounds a bit more legit.
A rare 2 cents regarding Politics.
What more appropriate then some NSBM (haha)? Understand the concept of NS before jumping to conclusions. National Socialism like I have stated before is the exalting of your race. Although some of it such as race purity most likely has cultivated under ignorance, I do have pride in myself. I am half Cambodian (the half that I usually state more than the other) and what that country has gone through is something that I can't just look over. In fact, they are still going through series of corruption and war by attempts of take over from Thailand and Vietnam. Eh, I guess you can say that over time I have matured and realized that my roots fit into an aggressive type category which I will completely accept and embrace.
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