Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I spoke to soon, my previous blog entry was referring to the fact that I have no thoughts, and I have just received one that has hit me really hard. The DSBM band, Austere, has managed to embed themselves into my mind, I have been listening to them avidly so it was to my benefit that they would be releasing their second full length. Sadly, I wish they hadn't. I managed to find it, leaked on iMeem, and I gave it a listen. I could not be more dissapointed, I think this has actually hit me harder than when Mustis stated that greedy statement in Decibel magazine.

This album seems to lack all that I loved about the band. Their unsettling atmosphere, rabid shrieks, and technical drumming is absent. The drumming does have some techincallity but it is giving off a sound that doesn't relate to any of their previous material or the emotion that accompanies the vocals. The clean vocals that are used are surprisingly, emo-ish, the clean use of the guitar seems drowned out, and the riffs are bland. I am going to have to give this a few more listens before I actually come to the decision whether or not to purchase this album. Until then it Lay In Old Ashes. So far, it is losing the battle. . . significantly.


Just For A Moment... - Austere

The only sense of hope. . .

To Fade With The Dusk - Austere


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