Sunday, April 26, 2009


I'm listening to some new DSBM bands, they fucking suck. Slow music results in only boredom. The bleak atmosphere that should accompany that drone-like speed is what makes DSBM what it is, of course with the vocals, but that's easily imitated nowadays.

One of the few that I have been enjoying as of late


I'm indecisive. I'm confused. I'm lost. I hunger.

Last night was a good night, but what has come of it, has confused me considerably, perhaps, us both. I am the receiving end of mixed signals while I am the giver of mixed signals, I am that which inflicts pain, I am that which receives pain. I am bothered. The statements that spill from my mouth possess the oddest intentions. The statements that I receive contain a drop of hope, or what I have believed so from what has been manifested. I have dispelled that hope with my harsh words, yet I express my need for that hope. If only my mind wasn't so clouded with the most negative thoughts, If only I thought for myself before I spoke.

Either outcome I would definitely be satisfied with, either outcome will not change the time spent with a friend. . .

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Female. . .

. . . Vocalists always managed to get me. I am a sucker for them, no matter how horrible their vocals may be there is always something that draws me to them, perhaps not enough for me to purchase an album but enough for me to listen to it considerably. Here is a perfect example, Doom/Gothic Metal band The Gathering, sadly, the chicks are never as hot as their voice leads my imagination to be, but who cares? Instead of purchasing 300 and hoping to watch the special features to get pumped up, I purchased 2 of their albums. . . the irony.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Being in collaboration with Arms in order to have my emotions and thought manifested through an audio output has proven to be difficult and gratifying. Although, Arms and I views on life and how we perceive things are much different from each other, we do share one common goal, to create music. He is the half that creates the music, I only provide opinions that will decide how the song will take shape, but my opinion isn't much needed since he does understand the basic concept of Black Metal and musical construction.

He has finished recording one song, and now it is my turn to finish the song by adding lyrics. I have been up extra hours, 3 for the last 2 days to gather all my thoughts and create a cohesive unit for this song. It has proven difficult and the lyrics are nearly complete. It astonishes me how I am at school or work and I come up with so many ideas and verses yet when I need them most they are nowhere to be found. Anyways, I am very much satisfied with the outcome of our first song, now to touch up the next 2 and record them. I know it may be biased to appreciate your own work so my opinion probably would not matter, but I am creating these hymns for self-gratification primarily. Secondly, to show that L.A. Black Metal bands can create music outside of the Darkthrone framework, among other things. For those curious, my lyrics will revolve around personal beliefs/matters, Satanism/Luciferianism, and Blasphemy. I doubt they will ever be published (can't afford layouts and a 20 page booklet) but my vocals aren't that distorted and raspy that the words are indecipherable.

The name is still under consideration but we already have someone in mind to design the logo.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Under such harsh times elation is very much needed, much of the harsh times relate to money but what it will be spent on will be worth it.

- I am going to begin observing Kendo classes and come to a conclusion whether or not I have the time to dedicate myself to an art aside from music, I do in fact love being disciplined, it makes me that much of a better person. If I do decide to join my money will have a define line of what to be spent on, music and Kendo, it's expensive.

- I am planning to attend the Embrace the Hate fest in early July, I know as a fact that if I were to miss Archgoat, I will regret that entirely. Of course, you can't attend a fest without stocking up on merch, so one hundred dollars will be spent. In addition to the Hate fest, Sound and Fury is a month after that which leaves little room for saving up. The ticket will be bought soon, the room and food is what will worry me, I don't think I will buy any merch, sadly.

- In addition to the major steps, a Vegas trip is under planning, so hopefully that goes as planned and the estimated number does come through as it does make everybody's spending much lighter. I know as a fact, I will not be bringing as much beer as I have the intention of doing so. This trip will be in June and beer is far behind from the importance that Black Metal is, I am pretty sure many of you understand.

Although it will be difficult to survive with such expenses and money that barely covers it, sacrifices must be made, I have made numerous sacrifices and it seems to be of little benefit. I think I will have to make that extra jump.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today is Easter, another worthless Holiday created to give that jump in the economy and keep money flowing is all it really is. I see no significance in the Christian's reason for celebrating it, the son of their God dies and rises up once again to serve as the reminder that God gave his only son for our sins. I would think that the faith you have in your God should not require the idols that he has given you, the idol of his son on the cross. Interesting to see that occur when it was said in the Old Testament that something such as that is prohibited. This religions consists of so many contradictions and stories in relativity to other religions yet you still manage to hold your heads up in arrogance. Jesus didn't die for your sins, he died for his doctrine.

Anyways, onto more mind stimulating topics, Abyssmal Sorrow has managed to create a hole for itself. They are an amazing Funeral Doom/Black Metal band spreading self hatred from Australia. The atmosphere is superb, the vocals dark, slow, and the drum patterns repetitive, yes, it is a creeper much like the good DSBM bands. The struggle has manifested in the songs they cultivate. I liked it from the beginning but the songs were too long and slow that it only lasted a few plays, now that my taste has matured, it's played more often. Sadly, Funeral Doom isn't as well thought as this, it tends to consist of mindless strumming rather than that atmosphere that is created once the strums are synthesized. Funeral Doom is definitely a genre that has proven to be something that I am not willing to open my mind up to fully.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Now that my hours have once again been cut and I don't have the necessary funds to run around doing what I would like to do, I have began going over some of my older cds, primarily those that I was not very fond of from first listen. I believe that this is a great time to touch base with some of my previous records due to the fact that I have become more open minded in regards to music and what I consider as music. I have matured and armed myself accordingly to what I believe should be given the title of music and be taken to the next level into Art. Some of the bands included in this mix are Secrets of the Moon, Black Metal hailing from Germany, and Converge, a metallic Hardcore band, I don't know much about them, I am just enjoying their music.

Secrets of the Moon was a band that I hated with disgust because their attempt at abstract time signatures were in fact not abstract at all. At the earlier point I hated Progressive. The majority of Progressive metal contains odd time signatures, which I don't mind so much, but what does bother me is that the riffs go all over the place with the time signatures still accompanying them. In addition to the not very abstract attempt, their songs had that dose of chug chug, 2 chord breakdowns. Over time, I have actually enjoyed this because it does managed to embed itself into your head. Although the music isn't too great, the lyrics I do enjoy to a great extent, well thought, original, and distinct. Much preferred over the meaningless, simple, straightforward blasphemies exhibited by the earlier Black Metal bands.

Next band is Converge, they were a band that had over technical guitar play and annoying vocals. At times I still find myself annoyed of the vocals but the guitar playing is something hard to over look. It is over technical but that is one of the reasons why I have been enjoying it, the riffs sometimes remind me of the spiraling technique that Averse Sefira creates. I do enjoy Hardcore (not hXc bullshit) in small dosages, after listening to an hours worth I do find myself annoyed of it, actually, more like angry at it. I guess with Sound and Fury coming up and what Bj has informed me with, the music will be appropriate for tearing shit up. Hopefully I will manage to hold my own ground when dozens of people are on top of you.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I was just talking to Wacker in regards to cutting our hair and that being a result of being "less Metal". To be honest, you can't exactly pin any words to the action of cutting your hair but the closest that I can get to it is this, you are in fact MORE METAL. By the way, I will not be cutting my hair.

There is a stereotype that has always accompanied Metalheads, lazy, long haired, uneducated individuals who have devoted themselves to rotting under their parent's roof until they grew out of this fad. Sadly, when you look at those that have decided to come out of that shell and make a difference it is completely regarded as being a poser. What was Metal made for? To set limitations to what was created as limitless? To come out of a jail and thrown back into another? No! It was manifested to be the keys to the chains that society has binded us with. Society gave the above stereotype to metalheads during the early phases of life when it actually served a meaning. Look at it now, it is a form of showing superiority without saying it directly. We name drop bands to see what the other person doesn't know and recommend it to them hoping to dispel all sense of negative emotion held towards you for your ever expanding knowledge. We have long hair but a person who has cut it to get a job is looked at as being a poser/sell out. It wasn't till the previous days when I realized this, the few that delve into esoteric studies and tap into various sciences and actually have a purpose on this world are looked at as horrible people when in fact they have made this scene what it was defending our asses.

In addition to the restrictions, this is a big fuck off to those that believe they are "yourself" and that you don't belong in any sort of scene. Face it, you are not original, there is a way of being original but saying you are yourself is drawing the line. The only possible way of being yourself is by secluding yourself to the outermost corners of the world from birth without one person within walking distance, or anything at all for that matter. Society influences you in every possible way, it's that low hum that you ignore because you in truth like what you are doing thinking that it's right. If you buy your clothes, if you watch T.V., listen to Music, etc. you are not original, you are not yourself, simple as that. Overlook that ego and just accept it for what it is. We are like the person next to you and we are like the person hundreds of miles away.

Of course we are human, what can we do? Continue living we shall indeed. We are hypocrites admit that too, I have.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Since I haven't been looking for new metal bands I have made my way towards Darkwave/EBM/Industrial. Here are two songs from VNV Nation that I have been listening to all day since I have been on the computer, Amesoeurs, everywhere else. When we go to Amoeba this friday, something that they have released is definitely going to be in my hands, hopefully not a remix though.

Fan Made Videos

Friday, April 3, 2009


Spring break is coming to a close and I have yet to do anything worth mention so it would be foolish of me to let up such a great opportunity. What opportunity exactly? A one night stay at the luxurious five star hotel, the Duong-Ly Resort and Casino. Included with this stay was a night of Blockles and internet courtesy of the owners themselves. In addition to such extravagance, the next day would follow with a descent down the Mountains and bear witness to the magnificent water falls of the Big Santa Anita Canyons.

Bj and I arrived at the dorm room quite late due to the fact that I had work till 9 and Bj had to take his mom to work, overall it worked well. We arrived at the dorm around 11 roughly and the room to my expectations was packed with 13 people, appropriately, 15 (whales, you know). The night was to be filled with Blockles fun but that didn't last long so we managed to find other ways of enjoyment in the resort. Before Steven was up for his match, he was flirting with someone through OMGpop which Bj led her to capitalize over the game itself by angering her with obscene scripts. It was all in good fun of course. Johnaheim and Keane came out to be on top, but sadly, I forgot who won. Later around 4 a.m., we made our way to the lounge to allow Tim's roommate, Manuel, to sleep. We managed to stay up for quite some time watching Ghost videos, but none of them managed to creep under our skins.

We made our way back to the room and tried to catch a few hours of sleep, Steven and I managed to get roughly 4 hours of sleep, Oliver, a considerable amount, and Bj, one hour of sleep. Since we all were awake and everyone still remained dormant, Steven, Bj, Oliver, and I decided to break our few hours of fasting and made our way to Pinks. The line wasn't long which is always a great thing and our cravings were dealt with. Our hike was to take part in a few hours but it seemed that we were all put into a food coma and we all became lazy until we made our way towards the mountains.

After being forced through a treacherous path we made our way up the mountain. It's amazing to witness such beauty. The trees were green and healthy, the air pure and clean, the water which trickled was sewage free (or so we believed), the pathways. . . hellish, I guess this was the bad yet good part. We were armed ready for what was to come so we made our 2 mile march in search of Sturtevent falls. At the beginning of our descent, we came across another group of hikers and I being in full regalia, one of them asked me to scare the other portion of the group. . . I failed miserably. My striking appearance was to no surprise to them. Anyways, on the way there we came across many types of wildlife and various types of . . . feces. Being up in the mountains did give you a sense of relaxation but you were also enveloped in fear. The forests is something that is vacant to all that can be dangerous thus a sense of caution was taken. After an hour or so of hiking we came to the falls and took a bit of a rest and pictures. We then made our way up which was incredibly painful, going downhill puts an immense amount of stress on your knees while going uphill puts your muscles to their limits.

It would only make sense to refuel after a hike so we ended the night with some Pho and broken rice. I would say that this day was definitely worth the small amount of hours of sleep and the pain staking descent and ascension of the hill. How often do you welcome nature with open arms and drown yourselves in fresh air?

Onto other topics, the Embrace the Hate line up has been released and it is good, but I most likely will not attend such an amazing fest due to the fact that I believe the stage performances of many bands have become stale. The bands seem to delve deep into individuality that they have no regards to how they should perform because of their "I am better than you" mentality. Whatever happened to "Cut your flesh and worship satan", headbanging in front of the stage, it seems like all that matters now is being your own person, not showing any respect for any of the bands, and hoping to get that chick that has been passed around numerous times and claiming that they have a certain amount of devotion to be superior to others. I don't think I will be going to any Black Metal shows unless I am certain that band will give a great performance. Don't get me wrong, I still love the music, but it seems everything has changed. Get your head's out of your ass, Individuality is impossible to obtain unless you have no friends, family, or media around you. So Sound and Fury here I come!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I think I am actually going to call it quits for drinking for awhile. I know I have said that many times but it seems to be the right thing to do. Drinking hasn't improved my life in anyway. It amplifies my emotions, it puts you in a state of nausea, it controls your body, and being unable to digest it to it's fullest, can be a cancer causing agent. I do in fact, love beer, so it will be something hard to overcome, thus still be in consideration. If I do choose to not drink, I will begin drinking on the next trip to Vegas.

No, this is not an April Fool's Joke.