Monday, April 6, 2009


I was just talking to Wacker in regards to cutting our hair and that being a result of being "less Metal". To be honest, you can't exactly pin any words to the action of cutting your hair but the closest that I can get to it is this, you are in fact MORE METAL. By the way, I will not be cutting my hair.

There is a stereotype that has always accompanied Metalheads, lazy, long haired, uneducated individuals who have devoted themselves to rotting under their parent's roof until they grew out of this fad. Sadly, when you look at those that have decided to come out of that shell and make a difference it is completely regarded as being a poser. What was Metal made for? To set limitations to what was created as limitless? To come out of a jail and thrown back into another? No! It was manifested to be the keys to the chains that society has binded us with. Society gave the above stereotype to metalheads during the early phases of life when it actually served a meaning. Look at it now, it is a form of showing superiority without saying it directly. We name drop bands to see what the other person doesn't know and recommend it to them hoping to dispel all sense of negative emotion held towards you for your ever expanding knowledge. We have long hair but a person who has cut it to get a job is looked at as being a poser/sell out. It wasn't till the previous days when I realized this, the few that delve into esoteric studies and tap into various sciences and actually have a purpose on this world are looked at as horrible people when in fact they have made this scene what it was defending our asses.

In addition to the restrictions, this is a big fuck off to those that believe they are "yourself" and that you don't belong in any sort of scene. Face it, you are not original, there is a way of being original but saying you are yourself is drawing the line. The only possible way of being yourself is by secluding yourself to the outermost corners of the world from birth without one person within walking distance, or anything at all for that matter. Society influences you in every possible way, it's that low hum that you ignore because you in truth like what you are doing thinking that it's right. If you buy your clothes, if you watch T.V., listen to Music, etc. you are not original, you are not yourself, simple as that. Overlook that ego and just accept it for what it is. We are like the person next to you and we are like the person hundreds of miles away.

Of course we are human, what can we do? Continue living we shall indeed. We are hypocrites admit that too, I have.

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