Anyways, one thing that has crossed my mind is the term "brutal" which is often accompanying Death metal, deathcore, or anything relating to death for that matter. And of course, it is used as a joke when metal is taken to the extremes where it can easily be laughed at and seen as a farce act rather than the conduit of various ideologies, Manowar, perfect example. Brutal seems to be exclaimed when riffs that display technical proficiency erupts, drum patterns reach machine gun speed, or vocals have been put in the machine ten times to many creating a vocal tone that makes me laugh. Honestly, I don't see what pig squels, vocals that surpass the speed of the drummer, sweeps that are enough to have you air guitaring for 10 minutes, or even the medical encyclopedia of disease make people consider such music "Brutal" (with humorous implications aside of course).
Being exposed to more of the grittier, dirty, filthy, Death metal bands I saw how that was brutal. It was a display of angst, aggression, war, and all that is not seen in today's music. With lyrical themes exploring medical situations being able to relate to what a person would have heard on T.V. or something, the themes have reached an all time high. Does anybody know what Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis means without having to look it up (it's a combination of various diseases)? I would think people would write music about such horrid acts so that you can relate to it, but obviously, you are more "brutal" when you are the only one that knows what that word means it seems. It's not often that you see Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis any of those words on T.V.
Rather than having Brutal be a word of comical purposes, it should be accompanied to the bands that truly deserve it. Chaotic, fast, dirty, gritty, rabid, etc. NOT porno grind, NOT Job for a Cowboy, NOT Poppy Seed Grinder, NOT bands that have a wildlife creature as their front man either.
Absolute Brutality
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