Sunday, July 12, 2009

Post - Rock and Shoegaze confusion

I have noticed that the number of bands that have the "Shoegaze" genre name in alliance with Black Metal has become an increasing number. I have yet to figure out how these two genres ever met and who started the "compatibility".

Shoegaze and Black Metal do possess common qualities but the qualities that make the genre what it is are contradictory to each other. Shoegaze has tremolo picking, distorted strumming that illustrates the same effect that tremolo can evoke, repetition, and a BRIGHT sound. On the other hand, Black Metal possess tremolo picking, heavy abuse on distortion, and a dark, dismal, sinister sound. Although you can include some brightness to a sinister riff exuding the evil, but for the genres to ever come hand in hand together just wouldn't make sense. What I believe is that someone blindly, or in this case deaf-ly, heard My Bloody Valentine and thought Alcest would fall into that genre nicely. Alcest being a band created by Neige of Peste Noire and Amesoeurs fame attracted Black Metal fans into "Shoegaze" thus giving birth to many offspring with resemblance to the sonic art that Alcest has portrayed. I like to consider myself a fan of Shoegaze, although my knowledge isn't vast, I do believe that it is enough to be familar with what it is in terms of music not ideology, and by a key quality of the two genres what metalheads know as Shoegaze is far from what it is.

I believe that Alcest are more of a post-rock band, very little Black Metal in their first full length, resulting in the absense of Black Metal. I think their sound can easily be compared to Sigur Ros, although they too have their share of differences, the compatibility between the two genres seems much more relevant than the Shoegaze/Black Metal relationship. After being exposed to more Post-Rock, credits go to Bj for getting EVERYBODY into Post-Rock, I would have to say that Amesoeurs, Heretoir (must listen), Liam, Onryo (must)and the many others that flood myspace are relatives of Post-Rock and the offspring of Post-Rock/Black Metal, I conveniently prefer Post-Black Metal.

The common qualities between Post-Rock and Black Metal are more frequent. Drum patterns heard in Heretoir are similar to that of ________ and the riffing is very reminiscent of The American Dollar, I went blank for a bit, so the bands may not be so suitable but it still beats what any shoegaze could share. The songs tend to be very lengthy including a epic build up or even slow down. One key difference is the vocals, Black Metal is littered with them while Post-Rock throws them out.

Anyways, I think that all Black Metal bands that have the subgenre, Shoegaze, included should detach it and put Post Rock.

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