It pisses me off to go around school or anywhere in general, and have some adolescent or teenager come up to you and speak to you in regards to Politics. The majority of the people who actually voted, voted only because of this new trend that has swept the United States, "raise the peace flag, go against the Republicans, stop the war". As much as you wish to acknowledge war as a bad thing, it does help us in many ways. If successful, it can take us out of a recession, provide jobs (World War II), and whether successful or not it keeps the world population to a manageable amount. Honestly, how many people actually wake up early Sunday mornings and tune in to political debates? Don't come to me and start lecturing me about how the economy is in ruin and how Obama isn't doing his job! Presidency isn't easy, everything takes time, a big rig can't go from 0-60 in ten seconds. It's a pity, those that take part in politics don't know the majority of it. Do some research before you send an eighteen year old to Afghanistan, do some research before you prevent a loving couple from marrying, do some research before you criticize the person you voted for. Do no research and fucking kill yourself before you lecture me in politics, like the sheep of Christianity, you preach what little you know.
My reason for not taking part in it.
Anyways, today, I have something to look forward too. . .
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