Monday, November 2, 2009


I have become curious about how many people actually read my blog now. In fact, I have been considering a change in a number of things. I plan on quitting smoking completely, which I believe is very possible since I have been able to cut back a large number lately, Hookah is still an exception. This process will begin as soon as I finish my pack. While we are on the subject of quitting, I am planning on cutting back on Monsters. I love them dearly, but fuck, I can feel my dependence or perhaps destructive nature of the drink. Maybe one or two when I go out, but on a daily basis will cease. I am actually considering downloading music, hours are so hard to come by that bands outside of the metal boundaries that release something that actually appeals to me are not worth my money. They make plenty of money as is through the many other devoted fans,large and lengthy tours, and merch. Of course, there are exceptions, such as Siouxie and the Banshees, Silversun Pickups, etc etc.

Anyways, back to what I set out to do with this post. Since a number of my friends are those that read my blog, a lot of them have actually stopped blogging, this will put my numbers to the test. I am expecting a number no more than 5 a day but who knows, maybe I am providing a number of other people with a shitty read or two.

Now I feel guilty with even considering downloading music. . . fuck that shit! NO downloading, I am sticking to my guns.

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