Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It's almost the beginning of a new year and it's something very traditional to embrace resolutions to better your life. Whether it would be something as drastic as quitting smoking to something that seems to be rarely done, simple goals. I wonder how many people have actually stuck to their resolutions, I for one hasn't. I took part in a few of them for quite some time but I did not receive the results that I had expected. With that being said, I have a new set of goals, to be honest, I think they are easiest that I have ever came up with. They are actually more materialistic goals, if you would even consider them as goals.

1. Purchase a computer, a new ipod within the next 2 months after my tattoo is done.
2. Fly out of California for at least 3 days.
3. Save money for the above and for peace of mind.
4. Purchase less CDs, half the bands I am listening to manage to keep me interested for more than an album
5. Purchase a guitar
6. Improve my drumming

I am sure that's it and I am very confident that many of you thought that quitting smoking would be one them.

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