Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Islam is the light"

I do understand that this can be considered subliminal messaging, but what's stupid, is that we still carry a whole shelf of these and at the end of the video it says Target is taking them down ahha. Anyways, if it said, "God is the king" I bet the outcome would be much more people buying these pieces of shit. And for all you that are wondering, it can only be said the third time it detects you, and that nigger is a fucking idiot, obviously, it has never said Satan is the King, if so I think I would buy it for comical purposes. I constantly play around with these little bastards when stocking them and I have never heard that. That alone pissed me off, She just wanted her 10 seconds of fame to be extended with something that's controversial. Well she did get some more fame since I am blabbering about it, but the fame from me is fame that should be unwanted. Her horrible grammar probably translated, "goo goo" as Satan is king in the language of Nigger.

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