Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Has not been obtained at my house due to the simple laziness of the phone company. They told me that a repairman would make his arrival to bring my phone lines back to health and give purpose to my computer but he failed to show up.

So here I am at Golden West College and utilizing what internet I can possibly have. Since I am on a time crunch I will give a quick overview of what has occurred in my life in the past month.

- Hours have been cut drastically leaving me unable to purchase and have my Warhammer army grow and what has been really devastating is the fact that I can't purchase any more cds until the economy gets better, quite depressing.

- On top of that, Valentine's Day being one of the many money making holidays, has managed to serve it's purpose of burning a whole through my wallet, in terms of gas, dinner, and so on.

-I have never been happier in my life, I wake up with a smile, I go to sleep with one. I guess this is the result of having affection being laid upon you and being distributed to one person.

I think that's it, the estimated time for internet being at my house once again is said to be Monday, but I am not crossing my fingers. You have no idea how punishing it is to have a computer in my room yet no internet, the purpose of the computer is obsolete. I have so much to do but nothing to execute those updates/ideas/etc. with. I'll elaborate on these once service has been given to me.

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