Saturday, March 14, 2009


With a taint of lighter fluid and Tecate, courtesy of Bestial Incarnation, I am blogging this day. After eating a Carl's Jr. meal that didn't belong to me but to the person behind me, I am still grumbling a bit nonetheless I still ate and I don't want that acid shit that Bj was talking about.

Anyways, I woke up quite early to pick up my check and to help Ursula out with errands that would prevent her being at my side at the Nokturne show. I ended up driving her and her friend's around looking for synthetic hair for their dreads and the business that they plan on bringing up in due time. I got paid so I was in a happy mood and didn't mind doing this, in fact, I was actually in a good mood in which I was offering to buy people this and that, odd isn't it? Anyways, I ended up doing this from 11 to 8 o clock.

I made my way to the Black Castle and I must say people really do in fact take advantage of the discounts that you receive if you attend early. I have not been to a show since November so I am still behind in terms of what has been going on and after talking to a few of my brothers in arms, the scene seems to become stronger. Shows have been well attended lately, even local bands, but of course when you have a well attended show, a few of them tend to ruin it for others when it comes to having fun themselves, I hate drunks, pisses me off. Back to the music, I missed the first band, no review here.

The second band was another local band by the name of Conjurer. Consisting of only 2 members the sound was pretty thick, riffs were catchy but over time became repetitive. Same can be said for the drums, the drummer only had a high hat, splash, china, two toms, and a snare, so it made the blast beats quite repetitive and annoying. One thing noteworthy is the vocalist actually uses clean vocals, it's been quite some time since I have heard an L.A. black metal band put clean vocals into play and execute them well. Overall, a boring set.

Next band was Horrid. This band was very reminiscent of death/thrash bands from the early 90s, they have those sludgy dark riffs, amazing shredding, and drumming that can be called simple yet effective. Their set was good, didn't get much of the crowd going but it was worth going to a show early for.

Bestial Incarnation, a band that has not given one shitty show yet. It seems that have replaced one of their guitarists and he does not fit in the band at all. He stands out like a sore thumb looking far younger than everyone, skinny, and smiling at all times when Seregul is, from what it looks like, never wants to be bothered. Despite playing at least 2 new songs, the crowd, in sync, headbanged throughout their set.

One man band, Sein Und Zeit took the stage bringing back the armor of the ancient days and the pride of the fallen. Despite being one man on stage, his voice manages to strike everybody. By the end of his set, he had an audience at his feet.

The band that everybody wanted to see, Nokturne. After not headlining for quite some time, Nokturne brought a powerful performance, unfortunately the songs played were songs off their newest release which seemed to have people questioning their actions. By the fourth song, the crowd was in a frenzy, violence ensued, blood spilled, bodies bruised, it was great. I left during their 6th song after coming to the conclusion that I better get something to eat or I will knock out and get raped on the streets of L.A.

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