Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I have finally dipped my foot in the esoteric belief known as Numerology, and I have found myself waist deep, or perhaps, MAN DEEP. Anyways, I came across Numerology after wondering what exactly was the purpose of all these numbers being utilized in the scriptures that Averse Sefira have been releasing and through their musical structures as well. After doing some research and reading interviews, I have came to the conclusion that AVRS has synthesized the odd time structures and scriptures to the belief of Numerology.

It is quite an interesting belief, each number between this and that serves a purpose in defining who you are or shall become. Rather than shaping yourself into being that one person you are already emerged from birth, although there are certain aspects in which you are able to bring to perfection the majority of the numbers and their meanings are already embedded into your flesh, soul, and mind.

I recommend everybody to purchase this book, it's amazing, I am only on page 30 and it has already began it's hypnotizing spell. This has probably been the most interesting read I have had since coming into Satanism through the books of Michael W. Ford.

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