Sunday, September 27, 2009


Despite being super tired right now, The Gathering of the Bestial Legions was a success. Unfortunately, half the people never bothered actually coming in to enjoy the show and instead got an update in the latest "metal" gossip. I found out that Nicholas Cage's ex-wife married Shagrath, thus the reason for Eyes of Cockcum. Anyways, I nearly kissed the Urgehal merch chick which would have been an awkward moment, oh well..., and I came home with less merch than I had thought. People actually complimented me on my shirt, after wearing it to 99% of the show's I attend to, I am complimented, at this point I got to find another show shirt.

First band was Daemonic, playing Black/Death metal, nothing special. Second band was Ritual Torture, despite being short on time, they played amazingly and their vocalist demanded your attention, it was as if he had been performing for decades. Unholy Lust sucked, the vocalist seemed very high and kept saying a bunch of bullshit, wasting our time. Resuscitator and Infinitum Obscure I missed, I think the latter band is very boring. Eyes of Noctum was next and fuck, I watched them just so I can get a good spot for Spearhead, and that was horrible. Weston Cage's stage presence is that tough big guy, power stance and all. His vocals are a combination of Dani Filth and over processed growling. The keyboards seemed out of place, no atmosphere whatsoever just very fruity rhythms, definitely worse than Abigail Williams. There is one thing I respect Weston Cage for, it's the fact that he is a very good speaker, that is if it wasn't scripted.

Spearhead was next and I had been anticipating their set for quite some time. Their set was shortened drastically but it was still perfect. Playing primarily their whole "Decrowning the Irenarch" CD, I was headbanging the whole fucking time, all my favorite songs were played. The Chasm were after them and they seemed to be a crowd favorite. The response was very strong, small in number compared to Urgehal and Destroyer 666 but the fans were very devoted. A fight broke out during the set which the security guards couldn't take control of until they got outside. Urgehal was next and damn, they put on a good show. The vocalist does many crazy antics while throwing out obscenities, "Bang your fucking brains out. . . Sodomize your bitches!" My desecrated arm should prove how good they were.

Destroyer 666 was the headlining band and they went through a number of sound "problems". The band's perfect intent delayed the performance for an additional 20 minutes at least and it was already 1:30. Throughout the set it was obvious they were unsatisfied with their sound and the crowd was obviously getting tired. KK didn't get the response he had expected but what can you do? We have been standing and watching bands play for the past 6 hours, you suffer a "delay", the anticipation dies down especially if you are impatient. Anyways, the first half of their songs sounded very cluttered while the later half was flawless. "I am the Wargod" and "Eternal Glory of War" got the crowd chanting along during the chorus, it was like a military march, amazing.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


It pisses me off to go around school or anywhere in general, and have some adolescent or teenager come up to you and speak to you in regards to Politics. The majority of the people who actually voted, voted only because of this new trend that has swept the United States, "raise the peace flag, go against the Republicans, stop the war". As much as you wish to acknowledge war as a bad thing, it does help us in many ways. If successful, it can take us out of a recession, provide jobs (World War II), and whether successful or not it keeps the world population to a manageable amount. Honestly, how many people actually wake up early Sunday mornings and tune in to political debates? Don't come to me and start lecturing me about how the economy is in ruin and how Obama isn't doing his job! Presidency isn't easy, everything takes time, a big rig can't go from 0-60 in ten seconds. It's a pity, those that take part in politics don't know the majority of it. Do some research before you send an eighteen year old to Afghanistan, do some research before you prevent a loving couple from marrying, do some research before you criticize the person you voted for. Do no research and fucking kill yourself before you lecture me in politics, like the sheep of Christianity, you preach what little you know.

My reason for not taking part in it.

Anyways, today, I have something to look forward too. . .

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The Gathering of the Bestial Legions IV fest is coming up and after seeing the video below, I am now excited for Destroyer 666. Although the drums seem a bit too triggered for my taste, the sound still manages to be superb. Destroyer 666 has been a band I never get around to purchasing albums from. Sure, I have Phoenix Rising, but I regret pushing them away. They manage to blend Thrash, Death, and Black Metal flawlessly creating a perfect symbiosis. If you are an elitist for any of the above mentioned genres, I am sure that you would be able to allow Destroyer 666 to slide in. Urgehal and Spearhead are also looked forward to, the Chasm I am not too fond of, and Eyes of Noctum, no offense Nicholas Cage, but what the fuck is your son doing in Black Metal.

It's a pity we won't have the vocalist of Primordial at the show

Look at this animal blast!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today I had my first actual play experience, I was honored to have Sondheim's Putting It Together as the play of choice. The play consisted of a number of laughs venturing into the realms of perversity and crude topics. The first portion consisted of pure singing, the lack of actual speaking proved to be the strong point. The second portion only had a few words, but made up with the presence of those few words with a great performance by one of the actresses. I recommend watching this play, I would be down to watch it again, in fact, I would be down to watch a number of plays.

It is an odd sight to see, a number of young people drowned out by elderly folks. What proves to be even more odd is the fact that for many of these older people, it was a chance of getting dried sex organs. The number of elderly couples was beyond imaginable, there were married couples and couples that seemed to just have met and are looking for a good time. Kind of makes me wonder, no matter how much you claim to know, Love seems to never cease. So many people complain about the negative aspects of relationships but you often find yourself yearning for it. Another one of mankind's flaws?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Thankfully, this week is coming to a close. This is by far the worst week I have ever had in the recent months, considering what has happened. My car is definitely on the verge of death. It shakes and rumbles, it chugs and lags, and it overheats like none other. My body has yet to adapt to my new sleeping schedule and I find myself rushed on a number of days. Wednesday I didn't make it to class because I had overslept and today I was in a hurry and forgot my notebook for Philosophy, which for the most part, relies on note taking. I have the majority of the weekend off and I get paid at midnight, it won't be much, but I can at least by a few tapes and cds that I have been yearning for. Qualia's show is on Saturday and I am looking forward to that, for some odd reason.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dimmu Borgir

Dimmu Borgir


It has been brought to my attention that my two favorite members of Dimmu Borgir have left the band. My devotion to the band has been anything but existent when Mustis stated that he plays the music for the money. It was a quote that Decibel had put in the margins, so I hadn't bothered reading the actual interview, since I was furious. Last time I checked, the money should be secondary, the art created is primary.

It's been stated that Mustis wasn't receiving the correct amount of credit for his works in the last two full length albums (I wouldn't be proud about Deathcult Armaggedon). While it has been stated that Vortex is a complete lazy ass, which I kind of assumed after watching the DVDs. In addition to the drunk laziness and greed, it's been said that one of the members didn't bother bringing their instrument to a show that they were to be performing at. That enough should show the absent dedication of the members.

Anyways, I am still not going to bother much, I just find it interesting, perhaps I will give Dimmu Borgir a third chance seeing as how the greedy fuck named Mustis is out of the band. After he had stated that he was a large contributor to the writing process of the last two albums, which weren't so great, the new one should be something more exquisite, but chances are, still not so great.

On another note, I hate Blabbermouth. More than half of those people who contribute to the comments are ignorant trolls. Roaming from news to news to leave a stupid comment. They obviously have no understanding of the music nor the situation, seeing how forgetting your instrument is something that should be brushed off should speak for itself. Not only forgetting the instrument, but I think it was a wise move that Dimmu Borgir gave a vague description of the reasons for firing the two members while Blabbermouth trolls claim it to be a stupid move. A detailed description could be used against you while in court. You wouldn't want to have accusations made towards you with your words as weapons.

The glory days of Dimmu Borgir


Hardcore is something that I was never a big fan of, I do like a few bands here and there like in almost every genre but as a whole, I'll stay away. The reasons will be listed below:


1. Lyrical anthems prove to be a large focal point. With chant alongs and intellectual lyrics it keeps the music fan oriented.

2. Fan base is very devoted, elitism is dropped.


1. The pro-life concept of some bands I am not a huge fan of. It's like preaching how great life is, substitute life for God. As for being straight edge, I disagree with it because drugs open up many gates. It brings forth numerous perspectives, sometimes, you can't rely on the same perspective of your miserable to life to find the answer to that miserable life.

2. The vocals often times become very annoying. The consistency and relentless approach to out of breath vocals I am unable to stand.

3. The movement to the music is much hated. I have never appreciated or even saw any reason to appreciate Hardcore Dancing. Swinging your arms wildly looks stupid and at the Have Heart show it seemed to have got plenty of people pissed off who just wanted to enjoy the show.

4. The drum pattern just doesn't connect. A blast beat can only be matched with tremolo picking considering the consistent plucking, but for chugging riffs, I don't see galloping as the appropriate match.

5. The music as a whole gives me a headache, which is rare. Brutal Death/Grindcore is the only other genre to be able to do so.

I am only basing this off of the Have Heart show, but considering that they are one of the biggest Hardcore bands, I think it would be worthy of comparison.