Wednesday, December 10, 2008


As a voracious consumer and an adherent of Black Metal it seems that the negative effects of online shopping has caught up to me. I purchased 3 cds (another one being free) 2 months ago and being that it was from China, the shipping has taken forever, thus resulting in receiving them later. In addition, I order 2 other cds, so in total I have 5 cds to listen to, each being quite lengthy, which I ordered 2 days ago. Fucking online shopping and delayed shipping equals delayed digesting. So far, I am content with 2 of the 5 cds, what I am really looking forward to is the Post-Black Metal projcet, Liam, hopefully that goes well. My collection grows at speeds I am unable to compete with.

On a bit of a darker note, I walked right next to Montgomery Ward (weird) and I think I may have come to the conclusion why that place has not been torn down. Rumors were circulating saying that Montgomery Ward was haunted resulting in the building still standing despite the very certain proposals from various stores. I am tempted to just find an opening and walk in there, it radiates with oddities perhaps explaining the odd chill that crept over me when staring at it and it seems that wind stirs from the inside out. Perhaps, Friday I will pay a visit to what once was living and stare into the vacant windows and hope to see the eyes of the faceless. My curiosity of what lies beyond will be the doom of me, I am certain.

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