Friday, January 23, 2009


I will be dismantling my computer tomorrow because I will be moving so I will not able to be online much. I saw the inside of the house for the first time, and I can actually say I am satisfied with it, one drawback though, is the neighborhood. It seems fairly dangerous, so I think it is time to arm myself accordingly, just in case if anything were to happen.

On another note, I have never been happier, some of you probably know the reason, but others you will just have to wait. I read a fortune cookie and it said, "Happiness will be right around the corner..." Hopefully, it remains that way and what I expect this happiness to be lasts awhile.

Farewell for quite some time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I purchased Yelle's album for the song Ce Jeu, and I can't say that I was satisfied with the overall purchase. I was expecting her music somewhere along the line of Nena, which I am a fan of, having purchased two albums, anyways, this was something out of the ordinary. Every song I listened to I hated it with a passion, it's like M.I.A.'s material aside from Paper Planes. I guess the only reason for this is simply because they strive so hard to be abstract that their music can't be received to those with similar taste and I thought the "Kvlt", "Grim", "Frostbitten", "Lycans", and so on, were horrible in terms of singling themselves out. I can tolerate abstract music, Furze to serve as my example, but this, this is horrible. Stay away everyone, Yelle's Pop Up is not even worthy to be deemed the title of, download this.

It's interesting, you have horrible music created by a French Pop star and on the other end, you have some of the most intellectual, aggressive, sophisticated, and distinct Black Metal known to man in the same region. Take a listen for yourself...

Fucking money crisis prevents me from purchasing Glorior Belli's discography.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It's rare that I ever post more than one entry per day, but I think this would be most necessary considering that such an event has not occurred in two years.

I decided to take the car out to meet up with Arms and go have lunch at Yoshinoya, which I must say, hasn't let me down yet. As we were eating, Arms received numerous phone calls and I, being a nosey asshole, decide to put him through an interrogation and figure out who called him, he said keep guessing but all that came out to every response was Randy. While we finished our meal, Frankie made a surprise appearance and joined us in our meal, or what was left of it, and I couldn't help notice his newest tattoo, which I thought was something that he had painted on himself until I noticed the scabs that had emerged.

After the meal, we decided to head back to Arms' house to complete our first song but instead we came up with more riffs for other songs. Overall, we are pretty much done with our first. Two hours passed and it seemed the world had ended. Bum came in and we all began to talk, he left to move his car, and I managed to get his phone and actually came to the conclusion that Bum was who Arms was talking too and it seemed that Bum had apologized. Quite amazing, considering the fact that Arms' is stubborn but then again the reasons of their 2 year seperation gave Arms' every reason to be angry. We talked and Bum also asked what that "thing" on Frankie's arm was, kind of funny but it does have quite an amount of meaning behind it, so it's best to leave it alone. We continued conversing and Frankie, Arms, and I took our first lick of Da Bomb hotsauce, we took the most tolerable of the two and one drop still put a bit of pain on my tongue, one drop was an equivalent to one suicide wing. After a few minutes, we decided that it would be appropriate to put this hot sauce to use when we were drunk, so we decided to go purchase some alcohol and meet up at Logan's house to have him join in the fun.

We all got back together drank a few Blue Moons, played Street Fighter, watched Logan talk tremendous amounts of shit on Call of Duty, listen to some good 'ol metal, and took some more of Satan's almighty cum, Da Bomb. I ended up having one drop and my fingers went completely numb, I guess alcohol and peppers don't make such a great mixture, especially peppers of that magnitude. While listening to some music, Logan put on some of the best Death Metal I have ever heard, I am not a big fan of Death Metal in general, but this really got to me. The vocalist of the band Demilich creates such guttural vocals that it actually sounds appropriate, terrorizing, demonic, disgusting, and whatever else can come to mind. Sadly, I am really tight on cash, but thankfully, this band has made all their material available for download do to their beliefs in terms of their reason for creating Art. Anyways, we decided to go eat and put that Hot Sauce to better more appropriate uses and decided to go to Arsenos. On our way out, Frankie received some more flak regarding his tattoo.

It turns out that Frankie, Arms, and myself were the only ones having the intention of eating, and so we did. Arms managed to get a cheap pizza from some random guy while I decided to get the Super Nachos, Frankie got the Carne Asada burrito. Frankie put 2 drops of Da Bomb on his burrito and smeared it over his burrito, while I put it on one chip and ended up being in pain, fortunately, there was more food and horchata to relieve it. Frankie took one bite and the next thing you know that whole piece of tortilla that was tainted had been pulled off. While eating, it's amazing that I still had an appetite to eat while talking about shit porn, granny porn, murder, mutilation, and all obscene and vile things known to man, I guess over time I have been exposed to such gross things that speaking of it while eating deals no damage whatsoever.

Afterwards, we made our departures and hope for this to once again occur.



Today marks a historic day in which the world will see the United States exalt an African American man and give him one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, position in the world, President of the United States. I normally don't care much for politics, honestly, I don't even know what he stands for, it's just the fact that our generation is beginning to live in such odd times that is definitely worth a mention. Our economy has gone to shit, The national debt has gone to unimaginable numbers, Nuclear weapons are emerging everywhere, what is known as Global Warming is taking it's toll, and now, we have a black president. I wish him well, and hope all goes according to plan. By the way, don't tell me any bullshit about conspiracy's, I think all of those are stupid. All politics/money conspiracies like those expressed in Zeitgeist are too far fetched to actually come to conclusion of there being any real possibility. And another one which I heard, Bush is an alien from another planet, honestly, you must be one dumbass to actually believe that it's true. Of course the government does have lots of powers but I refuse to admit to such stupidity.

In addition to Obama, I think I have found myself far less racist than ever before. It's quite interesting, I don't say nigger as much nor do I continue rambling on about how I hate them. Scratch that, I have found myself still racist to a certain extent yet I have learned to keep my opinions to myself, I think that sounds a bit more legit.

A rare 2 cents regarding Politics.

What more appropriate then some NSBM (haha)? Understand the concept of NS before jumping to conclusions. National Socialism like I have stated before is the exalting of your race. Although some of it such as race purity most likely has cultivated under ignorance, I do have pride in myself. I am half Cambodian (the half that I usually state more than the other) and what that country has gone through is something that I can't just look over. In fact, they are still going through series of corruption and war by attempts of take over from Thailand and Vietnam. Eh, I guess you can say that over time I have matured and realized that my roots fit into an aggressive type category which I will completely accept and embrace.


Monday, January 19, 2009


I was looking through Ill-Minded's page thanks to Myspace's new annoying feature and found this comment:

ayo waszqood mah niqkahh qudd lukz on dha request hit up dha pikz..hit me up on aim or whatever you have lmaoo ahahaha...s4s w4w &+ pc4pc jusz lemme knu n show proof iqhtz & i qotchu show ya paqe sum love iqht pce

If you are trying to be cool, you made the wrong move. If he was able to come up with this comment in seconds then I must say, you definitely won the award for being the "M05t Stup!d3st K1D 0F D4 Ye4 2oo9". Even that took me awhile to craft.

Anyways, support Ill-Minded Streetwear

You will probably never see me where these shirts no matter what, but I will do what I can for something as harmless and bonafide as Ill-minded.

A translation done by Bj:

Excuse me, but how are you my fellow African Americans. Good luck on the request and will you take a look at my pictures. Please message me on AIM or whatever accommodates you. *Laughs* I will support you and share friends if you do the same for me. Just inform me with some proof, alright, and I will send your profile my regards. Peace


This is what happens when you get your hours cut. You find simple stupidity to be the great remedy to all your money caused stress. Fucking Economy, Obama, you better do something, I am deprived of art!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Death And The Black Work

Upon first listen, Nightbringer captured my attention and had no intention of letting it go. After listening to their split with Temple of Not, this was something much anticipated.

Nightbringer creates very atmospheric, cold, creepy Black Metal. Their music is played so tightly that one little error will be quite noticeable yet, they manage to cultivate such darkness flawlessly. The whole cd is tremolo picked yet the sound remains thick, implying that time was definitely well spent in the studio to make sure that this requires the most polished production for the sound to convey what it has the intention of conveying. Honestly, I have nothing wrong with cleanly produced Black Metal, I prefer cleanly produced over gritty, cacophonous, static filled music, those bands actually don't deserve the title of Music itself, but then again, the term music is easily thrown around towards one simple loop with talking. Anyways, Nightbringer serves as a conduit for the Occult, and I can't think of any other band to do so, perhaps Entity suits Nightbringer more than "band". The sound that erupts is something that words can't comprehend. Rather than having you intrigued, it's entrancing. Naas Alcameth promotes this entrancing feel by inserting raspy orations synthesized with lower growl like passages.

This has got to be a must for those interested in Black Metal of a sophisticated level. Death and the Black Work brings forth all that is dark and releases it in Sonic form. Lazy to read a book, read the lyrics and you will be brought into another world.

The Verdict:

Something so outworldly can only be fully understood by those of the Void.

Friday, January 16, 2009


takes your body to such an extent that it causes an addiction. Who needs drugs when you can drive 70+ miles on the streets near midnight? Today, I experienced my first drive without a supervisor, and every aspect of it is absolutely invigorating. I get to listen to the music I want, I get to drive the way I want, and I get to go where I want, at least to whatever extent my piece of shit car will allow me to. Technically, I still can get pulled over and fined for not having a hard copy of insurance, but who cares? I have lived life on the edge before, why stop here? I made my first drive to the gym which was all fine and dandy, after that I stopped by Famima!! for my beloved Monsters. As I was exiting the parking lot, things didn't go as planned and it made me do something that I wasn't necessarily experienced with. Thus resulting in 2 times of an attempt to back out of the parking lot. If I did it anywhere else, I wouldn't be as angry, but it's the fact that I did it so ignorantly. I had a clear plan of what I was going to do but one thing let to another. Meh, so what, at least I know the difference between the gas and the brake right Vinh? Steve, I think you will agree with me as well.

I am still in my Mu Online phase so I will limit my time on aim. I am trying to get in as much leveling time as possible before my move, which may be delayed. Anyways, I need 5 people to help if possible, we don't want too many people, the reasons will be explained later.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


If you knew me 2 years or so back, I wore a Baphomet across my neck rather than the inverted cross. The inverted cross seemed childish and angst-y so I decided to wield the power of the Baphomet once more, the exact same one actually. My intellect and understanding of this symbol has embedded itself into my brain and I refer to Satanism as something that I live by. Although I am a Satanist, there is one huge aspect that defines me and them, it is the practice of rituals. I do not evoke the aid of the ancient spirits when I come across a misfortune, honestly, it defeats the actual purpose of exalting human life. Before, I hid behind the Atheistic beliefs but honestly, I should have never considered myself of some sort at all. An Atheistic believes in no God whatsoever and I believe in a God, myself, the sole perpetrator of my carnal spirit. Exactly what does the Baphomet mean, it is the symbol of all that is human. The power of the divine rested into the hands of the Human, intellect of the highest calibre, the acceptance that good and evil are opinionated, wisdom, and the carnal spirit. The Pentagram represents various aspects of life, each corner having a significance in one aspect of life. I take this seriously, honestly, it annoys the living shit out of me when people throw things around as jokes, I may not show it but it pisses me off.

I do NOT represent any faction.

Anyways, the moving progress has been delayed, for those that were going to help me, I will update as soon as everything is cleared up.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I will be moving within the next 2 weeks, if all goes correctly, smoothly, and what not, next weekend. If possible for those that read these posts that are in the area (friends haha), would you be able to help? There will be lots to move so it will take one whole day. If you are unable to make it, spread the word, if you are, I am appreciative and will buy snacks, monsters, and whatever else to fuel our bodies, so please text/myspace/call, aim is futile.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


As I was working, I felt the effects of sleeping in clothes that was inadequate to the conditions. My misfortunes have caught up with me and is beginning to punish me by giving me a sickness. I hate being sick, I despise it in every form, I haven't been sick for 2 years and that one lasted 6 months. Anyways, despite my sickness, this brought my mood up.

Look Alive by Wait. Think. Fast

I am currently on a mission to find such magnificence. Even the spanish songs have managed to embed itself in my mind. I have not heard anything of this caliber. I am aware of the download options via iTunes and other programs, but nothing beats having it in your hands.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


My intention for spending my Friday night was to just stay at home and play Mu Online. I got back into it and it has changed so much that the game play is far more smooth than what it once was. Anyways, while leveling up my character, Oliver gave me an invite to Alex's party and I just said sure. I really didn't have much an intention of drinking but I can't go against my morals.

We made our way to the party with a van filled with 9 people, I was surprised we weren't pulled over, we were lucky to not be ticketed but by the end of the night, I guess it caught up with us. When we got there it was amazing to see the party filled with nothing but these "hype-beasts", I stood out completely as always. Despite the appearance, I still managed to have somewhat of a good time. I witnessed many people that I have never seen drunk, drunk and I myself was not sober, a bit buzzed. In addition to the drunk atmosphere, the Mom took a few beers with everyone, smoked a bit (so I was told), and even opened a bottle of Jager. By 11 o' clock, the party was raided and an unfortunate event happened. I won't state it here because it isn't my type of thing to exploit the unfortunate events that I personally had no interaction with. I will just leave it at this, Westminster cops are dicks.

After the party our intention was to go to Seaside and meet up with everybody there and it seems that even that planned was thrown out. While in the car, Paulina vomited leaving a disgusting stench in the car. It was as if she had shitted in her pants and just died, leaving the excrements to rot. She got some all over Connie, a few chunks on the chair, and when she was getting out I grabbed her shoulder and I ended up getting vomit on my fucking hands. We dropped her and Thy, her caretaker at the moment, off at the cemetary to evaluate the situation of the prior event and to make sure Paulina was ok, while we filled up on gas. After that, we ended up at Keane's to pick up Oliver from someone's elses car and we made our way to seaside. Apparently, I ended up knocking out on the way there.

As soon as we got there, we didn't do much, and Don, Meat, and J. Lam finally met up with us after countless delays with some Camel Crushs, I had a desire to smoke one and I did. After that everybody left and I decided to stay with Meat, Don, and J. Lam to have the night continue and we made our way to Taco Bell to get something to eat. We parked in front of Manna Donuts and Don wanted a donut after eating the burritos. He walked up to the store and looked at the Open sign, unfortunately, it was closed, fucking idiots. After that, we were lazy to throw away the trash so J. Lam did an excellent retelling of the Story of David and Goliath. He tied the bag and prepared to launch it into the trash can and it didn't kill Goliath. It took 3 tries.

We began to get tired and decided to call it a night but before doing so we just sat in front of my house discussing various events regarding sleep. Interesting to see what some of us have experienced.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have finally finished Sartre's "Nausea". There is no doubt that I had taken far longer than I had ever expected to finish this short novel of 178 pages. Overall, I don't know what to think of the book. Perhaps another read should be fitted in but I only noticed complex descriptions of this "Nausea" in the last quarter of the book. Anyways, my next book will probably pertain to that of the Occult. The next book probably won't be bought till my next check due to the fact that Occult books are found no cheaper than 30 dollars.

In addition to the finish of "Nausea", I have come to the conclusion that as of now, my life has been on a decline. My mind has not been stimulated and it has seemed that I have been in a dormant state for quite some time. I don't know what I have been doing that has been different from my daily routines. Perhaps, I have obtained this, "Nausea".

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Reflections of a Sad Soul

Reflections of a Sad Soul is the newest opus from French DSBM band, Nocturnal Depression. Honestly, I HATE the band name with a passion, it is so cliche, unoriginal, and it gives an impression of a childish group of teenagers attempting to rid themselves of emotions invoked by not being given the necessary shelter/food/etc. from their parents or significant other.

Although their name did take awhile to grow on me, as did the genre itself, it has actually become something I am frequently listening to. Let me give you a brief interpretation of what DSBM is, or what I believe it should be the vessel of. The emotions created through the atmosphere of the music itself is that which is manifested through repetitive, monotonous chords over slow, drone like drumming synthesized with painful vocals. By painful, I mean, high pitched, raspy similar to Varg's vocals but more appropriate, melodic, and rhythmically placed (for the most part). The lyrics don't make reference to a process of depression/suicide through another figure dominately but through a mixture of all that is created. It is not, "I hate you for what you have done to me, therefore I will kill myself," it is more like, "the overwhelming aspects of life fused with that which has been discovered has forced myself into the very depths of over thinking that which is pessimistic." With a name like Nocturnal Depression, it was very unlikely to actually come to the conclusion that the two members actually remain far from any other human contact (I am certain of H.S. doing so), which gives me a hint that they may in fact be serious. Nothing like Kim Carlsson but this will do (I hold him high in thought, if you haven't noticed).

This is in fact one of the best releases created by Nocturnal Depression. They have come quite a long way, their previous releases had only one song that I was really hooked on because the riffs weren't something meant to be repetitive. They were fairly horrible when they have the intention of making them 5+ minutes. Nostalgia and Autumn/Fall/Host have got to be the only songs that I had found myself listening to avidly. This release on the other hand manages to pick up the speed a bit when appropriate and slowed down when it was necessary. The drums simple, Guitars repetitive, vocals amazing. Lokhraed seems to possess one of the best and distinct vocals in the Black Metal genre. In addition to the distinction, he gives ND a bit of an edge.

This is something for fans of the band, not much for fans of the genre. Their style isn't that which is worth exalting such as Hypothermia, Austere, Lyrinx, among others, and the music remains dormant in the Black metal section rather than branching out into other genres, particularily Post-Rock which has proven to be popular (due to Alcest and Sigur Ros seems to make a big impact as well).

The Verdict:



The much anticipated fight between Lyle and myself was to occur today and it did. The end result of lazy training on my part and rigorous training on Lyle's behalf gave me no upper hand. Victory always takes the side with those that prepare for the battle at hand. Lyle took me down with quick fashion but we managed to get onto the concrete and restarted. I had a general idea of what to do when he was to attempt the take down but of course, fighting is different from your thought process. I managed to put in some clean strikes to the head but Lyle triumphantly took me down and ended the match with a choke hold. Although I lost, I honestly don't give a fuck, I had a feeling this would happen but truthfully, I had fun. The adrenaline and anger released has never made me feel happier, I completely shunned all other thoughts and focused on this one occasion. I hope this continues. I recommend a fight to be something everybody should take part in once. The aftermath is invigorating.

Shortly, we made our way to Famima!! and picked up a few Leninade's and made our way back to Oliver's house for Ha's birthday bonanza. It was interesting to come to the conclusion that there were to be male strippers. As soon as the party began, all the guys practically decided to go through the Bengay experience, which proved to be excruciating. The pain that that cream creates can only be compared to what would occur if you were to boil your balls. Stupid, Immature, yes, Fun, yes, and who knows, the fearlessness of putting Bengay on your balls may come in handy. Back to the party, most of the guys decided to play poker, while the LQ ladies decided to have their share of fun. The strippers did in fact get naked but not to the extent of removing boxers, not very Stripper-esque if you ask me.

The party ended rather shortly, but Bj, Oli, and one of the Strippers, which I must add, attends Stanford, decided to take part in a bit of some Hardcore dancing. It seems they have made such a good impression that Oli is willing to drive up there to continue some fun. The night ended with Bj, Steven, and myself getting some McDonald's. Here I am eating and I will be going to sleep after I finish this meal. I am pretty dirty and bloody but I am lazy to take a shower.

On a lighter note, I finally received my Hypothermia Gratoner vinyl after countless unexpected delays in addition to the Holiday delays. I could not be more satisfied.

Quote worth mention:

Meat looking through iPod: What are "The Virgins"?
Bj: You!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Departure always seems to be the hardest part of Vegas. I actually want to tear up, the atmosphere has transcends all in humanity, it is a place where everybody can congregate, it is like a fellowship, a following, a cult.

We woke up fairly late due to the fatigue we had suffered the day prior but we managed to continue and do what we had the intention of doing. We dropped off Vinh to be with her family, while the seven of us went to Terrible's, and I must say it was TERRIBLE! Horrible service, shit food, crappy red neck theme. Nothing worthwhile, Tim, I thought you had higher standards in terms of food (haha).

After our nasty lunch, we made our way to Caesar's Palace to go to some Magic shop where Sufa, Oli, and Thomas purchased some interesting things. While we were waiting outside, another Magician in training performed a trick which I must say was great. It involved cards and fire, chances are you people have seen it. Anyways. I know there is always something behind it but it was still great. I wish him well if he has the intention of going big, he did seem scared. His fear manifested through his trembling hands and vibrating voice. I assure everyone, there is nothing to us that should invoke a sense of intimidation.

We soon made our farewells to such a great city and made our way home. Gratefully, we were not stopped or slowed down by traffic. I think I should go and get my rest because I have a fight tomorrow. To the curious, this trip did not disappoint, it surpassed all my expectations, I didn't expect such a dirty city to have such nice people. Anyways, Happy New Year.


New Year's eve, the Strip was increasing in number by the minute and by the time we reached the Wynn hotel it was practically shoulder to shoulder. Sadly, that walk seemed to be another pointless destination due to the fact that New Year's has specials and results in a huge jump in price to indulge in good quality food. As a back up, we walked back to the Mirage to feast on an international buffet by the name of Cravings, excellent and appropriate name I must add.

The day was fairly early but Vinh and Mike wanted to still do some catching up on sleep so they made their way back to the room for a one hour sleep that was interrupted by the rest of the group's noisy antics. While they were sleeping, King, Steve, Meat, Oli, Sufa, and myself walked around the Strip enjoying the scenery and made our way back to the room.

Because it was New Year's eve, we couldn't go out on the Strip being sober so we took a few shots. I returned to shots with a nice warm one of Jack Daniel's along with Michael while Sufa and Oli took multiple ones with the wide selection of Jose Cuervo, JD, Smirnoff, and Bacardi. Steve and Meat later joined when their excessive card games were mixed with shots as punishments. I returned to my beer and it seemed that everybody was fairly buzzed except King and Vinh. This is when chaos ensued and the room was thrashed beyond belief. Pretzels managed to litter the floors in companionship with the Porn advertisements while we were all dog piled one after another, slammed into the bed, banged against walls, and various other forms of cruel and unusual punishment. Steve, of course, suffered the most pain. When Oliver or Meat jumps on top of you, you are bound to bruise a rib or two, or worse.

The time was 9:45 and we decided to join the other people on the strip for some drunken madness. That didn't last long when we knew that we did not take the necessary amount of alcohol to enjoy the night so we made a quick return to our room, took a fair amount of shots, and went back into the drunken chaos. Vinh and King took one shot and it seems that new statistics were in, Vinh gets drunk off of a shot of Malibu. Anyways, We barely made it for the countdown and when those 10 seconds counted down the energy rose to a divine level. Never have I seen such excitement and companionship, you don't know anybody yet you act as if they are your best friends. Meat was blurting out Mgms, a word that we have coined on this adventure, and other various statements. We were confronted with energy as we walked all over the place and it was absolutely amazing. Our hands clashed with those of others, our screams were replied with those of equal or greater strength, our bodies were in a state of euphoria. We didn't give a fuck who we talked to, we were doing this out of pure fun and with alcohol running through our veins and the natural high and feedback, we could careless what race they were, who they were, we congregated with everyone, all personal differences were thrown out. Interestingly, Lisa "Robocop" was there as well. And of course, when you mix alcohol, me, and fanatics you get me blurting out, "Hail Satan/Lucifer!", interesting enough, I was greeted with equal responses and supporters. Sadly, this excitement ended and we made our way back to our room to conclude another night being in a dormant state but before that can be done, we needed snacks. So Sufa and Thomas went on a snack run and brought back the food and a story which could have resulted in sex for Sufa.


I have just arrived back from another mecca to the City of Sin, Las Vegas, and I am fairly tired. We began the highly anticipated trip with a early wake up call, the reason being smart yet pointless. Sufa demanded our departure to be at 6:45 to beat all the traffic that was soon to occur, we met little resistance and got to the Tropicana on time with 4 hours to spare before our check-in time. It seemed that waking up early is of nobody's enjoyment due to the fact that only Vinh, Mike, and myself were practically awake for the whole trip there. Traffic from outside new's seem to not begin till roughly around 10 so we would have had another hour or two of sleep.

Luckily, we were able to get an early check-in and managed to get our room which I must say is crap compared to the one which we had at the Luxor. This room was the highest before the suites and it barely accomadated our needs. Thankfully, we are not homophobic and shared the beds with one another, yet it still proved to be difficult to get a comfortable area on the floor to sleep in. The room wasn't too great but it was better than nothing. In addition to the room, the hotel, in general, was like a blast furnace. The heater was put to such a level that Mike got sick due to the rapid change of climates. The atmosphere in that hotel wasn't great, it is filled with nothing but old people who are lazy to drive/walk that extra bit and wanted a casino where smoking was something overlooked and heavily smiled upon. Anyways enough about the compact/horrid conditions of the Tropicana, as soon as we got in the room, we all attempted to catch up on what rest we had missed out on. Sufa, Oliver, and myself were unable to sleep and I just grabbed my second beer of the day (the first being at 7) and began drinking it before taking a shower. As soon as I came out, Sufa managed to fall asleep and everybody else began talking and making noise. We all got ready and decided to make our walk over to Mandalay Bay to enjoy a good night's dinner buffet.

Mandalay Bay always seems to hit the spot in terms of craved foods. Everything there is of top quality and nothing that I liked seemed to dissapoint aside from the ironically, fresh batch of Deep Fried Shrimp. After our dinner, the group dispersed into three. Mike and Vinh had their romantic night out with a Cirque De Soleil show, Ka, King, Oli, Steve, and Meat went to the room and hit the jacuzzi, while Sufa and myself bought a couple of cigarettes and cigars to make our way to Circus Circus. On the way, we witnessed a fairly nice amount of women with warhead tits, Vegas NEVER dissapoints when in comes to nubile women, of course you do come across those that seemed to be conceived through acts of incest.

Around 11:30, we all met back up in the room and decided to have the festivities begin. I drank another beer while Vinh, Mike, Sufa, and Oli took a couple of shots. It seems that we all are absolutely fascinated by the extremely low alcohol tolerance of Vinh and made various guesses at what would happen with a shot. We came to the conclusion that 1 shot results in her being buzzed, 2nd shot resulting in drunk, 3rd, throwing up. After such a tiring day, we all knocked out at 2:00 a.m. and that was the end of day 1.