Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I purchased Yelle's album for the song Ce Jeu, and I can't say that I was satisfied with the overall purchase. I was expecting her music somewhere along the line of Nena, which I am a fan of, having purchased two albums, anyways, this was something out of the ordinary. Every song I listened to I hated it with a passion, it's like M.I.A.'s material aside from Paper Planes. I guess the only reason for this is simply because they strive so hard to be abstract that their music can't be received to those with similar taste and I thought the "Kvlt", "Grim", "Frostbitten", "Lycans", and so on, were horrible in terms of singling themselves out. I can tolerate abstract music, Furze to serve as my example, but this, this is horrible. Stay away everyone, Yelle's Pop Up is not even worthy to be deemed the title of, download this.

It's interesting, you have horrible music created by a French Pop star and on the other end, you have some of the most intellectual, aggressive, sophisticated, and distinct Black Metal known to man in the same region. Take a listen for yourself...

Fucking money crisis prevents me from purchasing Glorior Belli's discography.


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