Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Now that my hours have once again been cut and I don't have the necessary funds to run around doing what I would like to do, I have began going over some of my older cds, primarily those that I was not very fond of from first listen. I believe that this is a great time to touch base with some of my previous records due to the fact that I have become more open minded in regards to music and what I consider as music. I have matured and armed myself accordingly to what I believe should be given the title of music and be taken to the next level into Art. Some of the bands included in this mix are Secrets of the Moon, Black Metal hailing from Germany, and Converge, a metallic Hardcore band, I don't know much about them, I am just enjoying their music.

Secrets of the Moon was a band that I hated with disgust because their attempt at abstract time signatures were in fact not abstract at all. At the earlier point I hated Progressive. The majority of Progressive metal contains odd time signatures, which I don't mind so much, but what does bother me is that the riffs go all over the place with the time signatures still accompanying them. In addition to the not very abstract attempt, their songs had that dose of chug chug, 2 chord breakdowns. Over time, I have actually enjoyed this because it does managed to embed itself into your head. Although the music isn't too great, the lyrics I do enjoy to a great extent, well thought, original, and distinct. Much preferred over the meaningless, simple, straightforward blasphemies exhibited by the earlier Black Metal bands.

Next band is Converge, they were a band that had over technical guitar play and annoying vocals. At times I still find myself annoyed of the vocals but the guitar playing is something hard to over look. It is over technical but that is one of the reasons why I have been enjoying it, the riffs sometimes remind me of the spiraling technique that Averse Sefira creates. I do enjoy Hardcore (not hXc bullshit) in small dosages, after listening to an hours worth I do find myself annoyed of it, actually, more like angry at it. I guess with Sound and Fury coming up and what Bj has informed me with, the music will be appropriate for tearing shit up. Hopefully I will manage to hold my own ground when dozens of people are on top of you.

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