Sunday, November 15, 2009


I attended the Qualia/Russian Circles show dressed quite differently. Instead of wearing the traditional band shirt and boots, I dressed a bit better. I sported a dress shirt and boots. Why?

I am tired of having Black Metal seen as a form of MUSIC and having a stigma of low life uneducated stoners whose only intention in life is to fuck and get drunk. I hate how the majority of the scene consists of a number of ignorant and stupid individuals. Black Metal is ART, the numerous ideologies embedded in the lyrics are vast and extensive, the atmosphere evokes a number of emotions, and those behind it perform and construct this art with the knowledge of knowing that this will not make their living. Unfortunately, many people don't realize that. This is a form of art that has changed my life and I am not going to let some hip faggot take it away just because he considers it cool, fuck that shit. Death metal has already begun the early stages of dying, Dethklok is seen as a serious band despite the obvious jokes. Dragonforce has made a name for power metal, play sloppy sweeps, chugging riffs, and have high pitched vocals to carry on the melody of the song. The majority of these retro thrash bands are gaining publicity(which isn't a bad thing), yet when quizzed about pioneering bands that they have stole riffs from they are absent minded.

In the future months, prepare for a change. Black Metal is ART, not music. Black Metal is Life, not entertainment. Black Metal is not for neon sporting scum bags.

Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan

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