Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Domino Effect

Upon pondering what my tattoo should be, I came across something that I had never before realized of getting. A tattoo is an indelible item thus the decision will have to go through a very hard chain of standards and such, but then again, I probably won't be getting them till I am 21. Aside from that, a Chaos star would be nice, since it fits my beliefs.

For those that are wondering what exactly is my belief when referring to Chaos it is simple. It is human nature. Human's were never civilized at any point of their life. No matter how hard we attempt at holding back such feelings it will eventually just come up. To say, that a person can never hate is to say that love is nonexistent. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as absolutes. Hate and Love exist in the same continuum resulting in one being built upon the other. Chaos is something that I believe is necessary. In this age, for something to be seen it requires the attention of violence. Thus, Chaos backed up with philosophy and intent will result in a new world order.

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