Saturday, January 3, 2009


The much anticipated fight between Lyle and myself was to occur today and it did. The end result of lazy training on my part and rigorous training on Lyle's behalf gave me no upper hand. Victory always takes the side with those that prepare for the battle at hand. Lyle took me down with quick fashion but we managed to get onto the concrete and restarted. I had a general idea of what to do when he was to attempt the take down but of course, fighting is different from your thought process. I managed to put in some clean strikes to the head but Lyle triumphantly took me down and ended the match with a choke hold. Although I lost, I honestly don't give a fuck, I had a feeling this would happen but truthfully, I had fun. The adrenaline and anger released has never made me feel happier, I completely shunned all other thoughts and focused on this one occasion. I hope this continues. I recommend a fight to be something everybody should take part in once. The aftermath is invigorating.

Shortly, we made our way to Famima!! and picked up a few Leninade's and made our way back to Oliver's house for Ha's birthday bonanza. It was interesting to come to the conclusion that there were to be male strippers. As soon as the party began, all the guys practically decided to go through the Bengay experience, which proved to be excruciating. The pain that that cream creates can only be compared to what would occur if you were to boil your balls. Stupid, Immature, yes, Fun, yes, and who knows, the fearlessness of putting Bengay on your balls may come in handy. Back to the party, most of the guys decided to play poker, while the LQ ladies decided to have their share of fun. The strippers did in fact get naked but not to the extent of removing boxers, not very Stripper-esque if you ask me.

The party ended rather shortly, but Bj, Oli, and one of the Strippers, which I must add, attends Stanford, decided to take part in a bit of some Hardcore dancing. It seems they have made such a good impression that Oli is willing to drive up there to continue some fun. The night ended with Bj, Steven, and myself getting some McDonald's. Here I am eating and I will be going to sleep after I finish this meal. I am pretty dirty and bloody but I am lazy to take a shower.

On a lighter note, I finally received my Hypothermia Gratoner vinyl after countless unexpected delays in addition to the Holiday delays. I could not be more satisfied.

Quote worth mention:

Meat looking through iPod: What are "The Virgins"?
Bj: You!


L said...
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L said...

Thanks for the fight Danny, it was an exhilarating and fun experience. We should have a rematch, but next time without the pointless spectators/show, because I don't think either of us need to prove ourselves to other people or require their judgment. And hopefully by then, we'll both have put on +40 lbs and have more time to train.

Much respect,