Sunday, May 3, 2009


Due to the fact that I have been without internet and knowing that my internet is completely unreliable, I think it is best to just post a series of blogs regarding all the things that I have had on my mind.

Anyways, the Swine Flue has proven to take the nation by storm. It's amazing how something such as this has kept everyone on edge, within the first day of the outbreak, hand sanitizers "flu" off the shelves. This is in fact a perfect example of the viewers being fed whatever is propagated through the media. The majority of hand sanitizers kill germs, not Bacteria, the virus is transmitted through bacteria, although you do kill germs, the bacteria engulfs the hand by your actions of utilizing the hand sanitizers. Be aware also that this flu has only taken the life of one two year old boy, an unhealthy boy to add on top. The older kids in America that has had the virus has managed to fight it off.

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