Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friday. . .

Is coming up too slowly. My original plans for this Friday were to actually go clubbing at Das Bunker. Sadly, that did not go as planned, but I plan on going to Hollywood and doing some shopping. Hopefully that goes as planned, but if not, I benefit out of it in the long run. I honestly want to just call out tomorrow or put my shift up to speed up the time by doing something much more interesting, possibly start my 300 workout, appropriately 200 since I won't be doing 300 reps. I think I will actually put up my shift up. I deserve a break, or perhaps that is just my brain coming up with a half assed excuse to justify my reasoning. A lost of 56 dollars roughly won't ruin my plans that I have for my next check as they aren't so extravagant.

I find this growing on me, I hated it at first, but overtime it has reached "OK"

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