Friday, July 3, 2009


Rather than do anything productive or talk to my lady, I sat at home, had some pasta, and watched Entourage all night, finishing the 5th season. And I must say, this is the best yet, although the ending has been done before the episodes possessed many more laughs. If any of you have not seen this show, it's a must, thankfully, it did not get dragged down when all the writer's went on strike. It's 3 o'clock and I am not sure if I should go to sleep or stay up. Time will tell.

Onto other news, I am changing my internet provider by next week to Time Warner Cable, thus more blogs will be written and possibly another one created solely focusing on music much similar to bestialbeats. No jokes, no stories, music only. If any of you are interested, you know who you are, then let me know.

I completely forgot about this song, popped up in Entourage
Couldn't post the original video unfortunately

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