Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Tonight, after breaking the dominance of my laziness which has had a firm grasp on me for the last month, minimum, I drowned in the hypnotizing art that West Indian Girl conveys. West Indian girl was heavily listening to around fall of 2008 and since that was a tumultuous era in my life, it serves as a mnemonic device. It was always great listening to West Indian Girl but when accompanied with rain the imagery is quite vivid, taking you somewhere else, taking you to Northern California and bearing witness to the Gold Coast. A trip to San Francisco, the northern coast, etc, was always attempted to be planned extensively, but due to complications, it has never been done. One thing that does sadden in me in regards to the north, it is an area that bears numerous cultures yet it is looked at as a mecca for all things "hip" and "cool".

I hope one day that trip will be put into motion, and I hope soon the sky bleeds and roars and the clouds shadow our steps. Although we are growing old, I wish to take full advantage of what life has in store for me, a few of you may think otherwise but that's your dilemma that I wish to never come across.

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