Friday, July 10, 2009

Moon Knight

Because I was in the area, I decided to make a stop at Comics Unlimited with a small ounce of hope to come across some Marvel Knight's Punisher comics. Instead, I decided to begin the MAX series of the Punisher but I saw something that caught my eye, Moon Knight. I couldn't find any of the beginning issues on ebay for an affordable price and here, they had the first 6. I should have bought the 6th one but I shouldn't even be spending at that issue was 10 dollars so I just stuck with the first 5.

I do not have a bit of regret for buying Moon Knight. This series is amazing, it is perfectly balanced with gore, comedy, and darkness. Although I prefer Punisher for the large amounts of sarcasm thrown into the series, but Moon Knight compensates the lack of sarcasm with just the right amount of blood and the dark psychological struggles that Spector faces. Moon Knight is the super hero for Black Metallers, he howls at the moon, worships violence, and suffers from mental illnesses.

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