Wednesday, August 12, 2009


When I am working my mind tends to wander into various realms of thought, whether it would be something on the very low end of the spectrum or something as monumental as the best day of my life. A thought that has been lingering for quite some time is "Do I really belong in Orange County?"

I have lived here all my life and I have enjoyed what Orange County has provided me. From long days at the beach to various eats, from looking out into the ocean at night to enjoying IMAX films. I think I have taken everything that I need from Orange County. Everything that I have done has been done and everything that I wish to not be done remains so for various reasons.

My lifestyle is different, I have always preferred a hectic city life or an isolated one with just minutes from the nearest city. Although, my friends do very much keeping each other entertained, I think we can all say that we have reached a certain point where absolute fun is in the distant settings.

It's not often in Orange County that I come across a random person, and they understand where I am coming from. The typical stigma for my appearance is an idiot, low life, uneducated junkie. And as soon as my arms see light, I am turned into a child who's only intention in life is to project an image of attention. When truly, if I wanted attention, I would never be wearing sleeved shirts.

From here on out, I think I will be one of those middle aged men (although not middle aged) wishing for my big break, the chance to get out, unlike many, it will be to get out of the city. Until then, I think it would be best to get my degree out of the way, the chances of my wishes coming true then will increase considerably.

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