Friday, August 14, 2009

District 9

District 9 has got to be one of the best movies I have seen. It was definitely worth two failed efforts, which is two more than necessary. Certain portions of the movie threw me back to Black Hawk Down, which I kind of have a feeling that it was done intentionally. This movie carries a hefty message, hopefully, after watching it, you will begin to understand.

Previews tend to be a great thing to look forward to aside from the actual attraction, but damn, movies fucking suck. Legion has a great concept, or from what the preview oozed out. God makes sure apocalypse occurs so that he gets what he wants, being the little bitch he is, but godamn, the movie looked horrible. Zombieland looks pretty good, I wouldn't mind watching it.

Onto more movie buzz, the Lords of Chaos director has practically sold his lack of interest in Black Metal as a whole. He listens to classical music and can't stand listening to more than 10 minutes of Black Metal. It's odd how people who do listen to classical music develop an ear for metal in a shorter amount of time than most people think, but this guy should put a bullet through your head. He is going to attempt to create a movie that is based off a shitty and biased book that contains the thing that means the most to me, Black Metal. If this movie does hit the shores of the United States and humiliates it, I will not take it lightly.

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