Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The only band that comes to my mind that has become a significant part of me is Averse Sefira, but I think there will be one more added to that stable, Velvet Cacoon. Despite the many controversies that have erupted from various interviews, assumptions, etc etc. I have grown to love this band. Consistently being studied and listened to, the images that they convey have actually been conveyed. Austere creates music powerful enough to move me to sentiment, Averse Sefira conveys ideology through the very music itself among vocals, Hypothermia exudes emotion incomparable, and now Velvet Cacoon has managed to create the Water.

Velvet Cacoon's music is odd at first, the music has a great sense of ambiance. Distortion is used heavily, keyboards break through the distortion, and the vocals are haunting. Through these sounds, the waves subside and erupt, the waves crash among rocks and retreat back slowly, while the vocals remain distant as if under the sea. It's been said that Velvet Cacoon's music is best under the supervision of DMT, DXM, or any other hallucinogen. Although I have not experienced those, through my dreams, my sleeps are perfect, I feel different.

In the near future, I plan on purchasing shrooms (I have found a connect, price seems reasonable, currently making sure everything is correct), biking towards the beach, and taking in these, all while listening to Velvet Cacoon. Alternatives are being constructed as well, if any would like to take part in these events, more info would be brought to you. Of course, depending on the person changes will be made to the occasion.

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